AWS Management Console

Build a solution

Get started with simple wizards and automated workflows.

With EC2

2-3 minutes

virtual machine

With Elastic Beanstalk

6 minutes

virtual machine

With Lightsail

1-2 minutes

virtual machine

With AWS IoT

5 minutes

virtual machine

With CodeStar

5 minutes

virtual machine

With Route 53

3 minutes

virtual machine

With Lambda, API Gateway

2 minutes

virtual machine

With AWS Amplify Console

5 minutes

virtual machine
See more
Learn to build

Learn to deploy your solutions through step-by-step guides, labs, and videos. See all more

3 videos, 3 tutorials, 3 labs

virtual machine

3 videos, 3 tutorials, 3 labs

virtual machine

3 videos, 3 tutorials, 3 labs

virtual machine

3 videos, 3 tutorials, 3 labs

virtual machine

12 tutorials, 6 trainings

virtual machine

3 videos, 1 labs

virtual machine
Access resources on the go
Access the Management Console using the AWS Console Mobile App. Learn more more
Explore AWS
Amazon SageMaker
Machine learning for every developer and data scientist. Learn more more
Amazon RDS
Set up, operate, and scale your relational database in the cloud. Learn more more
Run Serverless Containers with AWS Fargate
AWS Fargate runs and scales your containers without having to manage servers or clusters. Learn more more
Open Distro for Elasticsearch
A 100% open-source, community driven distribution of Elasticsearch with enterprise-grade security and alerting features. Learn more more
Have feedback?
Submit feedback to tell us about your experience with the AWS Management Console.